International Activities

Recent news around the world

  • 11/10/2023

    Earthquake Afghanistan: Malteser International provides emergency relief

      After the severe earthquakes on October 7 and 11, Malteser International has provided 100,000 Euro for emergency relief for the people in Afghanistan. Within a few days there were several severe earthquakes in the province of Herat, three of them with a magnitude of 6.3. According to local authorities, more than 2,000 people lost […]

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  • 10/10/2023

    Statement on the current violence in the Holy Land

      The Sovereign Order of Malta expresses its deepest concern about the tragic events of the last few days in the Holy Land. It strongly condemns the acts of terrorism perpetrated in Israel against the local population and the tragic deaths they caused. It rejects the culture of violence that tolerates the indiscriminate killing of […]

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  • 20/09/2023

    Grand Hospitaller visits Order’s projects in Lebanon

      The Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra’ Alessandro de Franciscis, paid a visit to Lebanon where he was able to see first-hand some of the most important projects run by the Lebanese Association of the Order of Malta, primarily in the medical and social field. During his stay, he had meetings […]

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  • 13/09/2023

    Malteser International team on the ground in Morocco after the earthquake

      An assessment team from Malteser International – the Order of Malta’s international relief agency – reached Marrakech on Monday evening and will be working in the Atlas Mountains during the coming days to assess the situation after the earthquake that struck Morocco on Friday night. Malteser International is working together with its local partners […]

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  • 12/09/2023

    Grand Master sends letter of condolence to the King of Morocco

      The Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap sent a message of condolence to His Majesty the King of Morocco in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck the country last Friday night, causing more than 2,800 deaths. “The Sovereign Military Order of Malta expresses all its solidarity and support to the Moroccan people. Our […]

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  • 11/09/2023

    Increasing violence in DR Congo: Over 6 million people are forced to flee

      The Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) has been facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with a staggering six million people displaced due to intensifying conflicts caused by non-state armed groups. In Ituri province alone, a quarter of the population finds themselves in precarious conditions, seeking refuge from the violence. “Our team on the ground […]

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  • 11/09/2023

    Celebrations in honour of Blessed Gerard in Scala

    In Scala, Italy, one of the oldest and most picturesque villages of the Amalfi Coast, celebrations were held in honour of Blessed Gerard, founder of the Order of Saint John, now Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and its first Grand Master. Born in Scala around 1040, he moved to Jerusalem where, in the second half […]

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  • 14/08/2023

    Slovenia’s Worst Natural Disaster Ever

      The torrential rain that hit Slovenia a week ago has caused catastrophic flooding after a month’s worth of rain fell in 24 hours. The violence of the water cut off roads, damaged bridges and flooded buildings. Two thirds of the country have been affected, causing deaths, injuries and thousands of displaced persons. Tens of […]

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  • 03/08/2023

    Order of Malta participates in World Youth Day in Portugal

      For the 2023 World Youth Day in Portugal from 1 to 6 August, the Order of Malta’s Portuguese Association has prepared an extensive programme of activities. The WYD2023 will bring 1.2 million young people to the city of Lisbon alone. A multimedia exhibition has been set up in the Portuguese Association’s premises on the […]

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  • 31/07/2023

    14 October 2023: Order of Malta World Day

      The Order of Malta’s first World Day will take place in the streets of many countries. On 14 October next, the Order of Malta’s members and volunteers will give life to the numerous initiatives that the Grand Priories, National Associations and Volunteer Corps are organizing for the day. The aim is to introduce the […]

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  • 25/07/2023

    Grand Chancellor speaks at FAO Food Systems Summit 2023

      The Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta, Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo, spoke during the second day of the 2023 “Food Systems Summit” which is being held in Rome at the premises of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). The Grand Chancellor stressed “the extensive damages caused to food security in many […]

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  • 12/07/2023

    Malteser International publishes its new Annual Report

      More than 4.3 million people across 36 countries worldwide benefited from aid provided by Malteser International in 2022. The Order of Malta’s international relief agency has just published its latest Annual report with fresh data on its main projects rolled out in Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East and Americas. The health sector represents the […]

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  • 05/07/2023

    Ordre de Malte France Activity Report 2022: An Assessment

      2022 was a particularly intense and challenging year for Ordre de Malte France, as clearly emerges from its “Activity Report 2022”, fresh off the press: In addition to its usual social and healthcare activities, Ordre de Malte France has faced several emergencies, the most challenging being Ukraine. A war that, in addition to […]

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The Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Canadian Association

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