International Activities

Recent news around the world

  • 18/01/2023

    Award for Bolivia Education Foundation

    On November 25, 2022, Willem Langelaan (Knight of Magistral Grace) and the Bolivia Education Foundation received a recognition award for their work in Colchapirhua, a suburb of Cochabamba, Bolivia’s fourth largest city. The award was presented by the Mayor of Colchapirhua, José Nelson Gallinate Torrico. The Bolivia Education Foundation supports the education and health of […]

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  • 10/01/2023

    Lieutenant of the Grand Master meets the Diplomatic Corps

    The Lieutenant of the Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap today held the Audience of the beginning of the year with the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Sovereign Order of Malta. The Audience took place in the Magistral Villa in Rome and was streamed live.  Also present were the Ambassadors of the United States, Great Britain, […]

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  • 09/01/2023

    100,000th child born in Holy Family Hospital, Bethlehem

    The 100,000th child has been born at the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, a little boy named Muhamad. The staff had been waiting many days for this important moment, which took place on the morning of 6 January 2023. The infant’s parents are from Hebron; they chose to give birth to their son at the […]

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  • 05/01/2023

    Funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

    The Order of Malta’s Lieutenant of the Grand Master attends the funeral There were over fifty thousand faithful of every nationality gathered this morning in St Peter’s Square for the last farewell to the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Among the authorities in the front row before the papal canopy there was the Lieutenant of the […]

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  • 02/01/2023

    Fra’ John Dunlap writes to Pope Francis for World Peace Day

    Letter of Lieutenant of the Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap in response to Pope Francis’ message for 56th World Peace Day, celebrated on 1 January 2023 Most Blessed Father, At the end of this year, so difficult and painful for a great part of the human family, Your Holiness’s message for the International Day of […]

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  • 31/12/2022

    Benedict XVI returns to the Father’s House

    Bailiff Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Order of Malta The Sovereign Order of Malta mourns the passing of His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and recalls with deep gratitude his generous support of his works and the service he rendered to the Universal Church. It was 1999 when the then Cardinal […]

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  • 01/12/2022

    The Grand Hospitaller in Ukraine

    On November 28-29, an international delegation of the Order of Malta, led by the Grand Hospitaller Fra’ Alessandro de Franciscis, visited the Berehove relief unit of the Order in Ukraine. It included the Ambassador of the Order to Hungary, the presidents of the German, Polish, Romanian and Hungarian national associations, the Secretary general of Malteser […]

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  • 14/11/2022

    Sixth World Day of the Poor

    Meals in soup kitchens, food deliveries, medical and social assistance, visits to shelters for the homeless, collection of food and clothing. Also this year, on 13 November, the Sixth World Day of the Poor, the Order of Malta animated the streets and cities around the world under the banner of solidarity with the neediest. Among […]

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  • 26/10/2022

    Association Presidents meeting in Krakow

    The meeting of the presidents of the Order of Malta’s national associations was held in Krakow, Poland, from 19 to 22 October.  Present were twenty-four presidents (or their representatives) of the national associations of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Cuba, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Holland, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Scandinavia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, […]

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  • 08/10/2022

    Alliance of the Orders of Saint John Meeting

    “Having served as a member of the Cooperation Group and President of the Committee of the Orders of St. John over many years, I am well aware of the great work that everyone does and the importance of this meeting, not only because of the strong historical ties and common roots which bind our Orders, […]

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  • 03/09/2022

    The Order of Malta’s new Constitutional Charter and Code

      Today Pope Francis promulgated the new Constitutional Charter and Code of the Order of Malta and appointed a provisional Sovereign Council. The Constitutional Charter and Code, the texts of which are available in Italian here, enter into force today. With the oath taken this afternoon in the Magistral Palace during the Sovereign Council in […]

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  • 10/08/2022

    South Sudan: hunger crisis worsens as global prices rise

    Rising prices on the world market, severe impacts of climate change and economic consequences of the pandemic have led to almost two-thirds of the population in South Sudan depending on aid. According to the UN, 7.7 million people are currently unable to feed themselves adequately. “This is an alarming situation. At the same time, it […]

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The Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Canadian Association

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