
  • 06/09/2017

    Anniversary of the Vancouver Eye Clinic – 15 years!

    A Short History of the Order Of Malta’s Eye Clinic in Vancouver It was our confrere Dr. David Neima, a leading ophthalmologist in Vancouver, who first thought of the idea of the eye clinics. In British Columbia only children under 16 and adults over 65 are eligible for free eye examinations, and no one gets […]

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  • 06/09/2017

    Hurricane Harvey: Donations Needed

    A more powerful hurricane than 2005 has devastated Texas Hurricane Harvey struck and severely destroyed the side of Texas Friday night August 25. The winds reached 215 mph on the coast and took away houses, poles and electric signs on their passages. Torrential rains have caused major flooding. Local authorities have already announced the deaths […]

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  • 03/09/2017

    Hurricane Harvey: the Order of Malta at work to bring relief

    Hurricane Harvey made landfall and destroyed coastal Texas causing mass destruction. The Houston area has experienced one of the worst flooding disasters in U.S. history. Federal disaster declarations indicate the storm has so far affected about 6.8 million people. Malteser International Americas and the U.S. Associations of the Order of Malta are coordinating relief efforts […]

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  • 24/02/2017

    Starvation threatens 1.4 million children in Africa. Malteser International helps children in Kenya and South Sudan

    The United Nations has reported that starvation threatens more than a million children in Somalia, Nigeria, Yemen, and South Sudan. Conditions in other countries in Africa are also worsening – with growing hunger caused by months of drought leaving children amongst the most badly affected. “A crisis has been developing quietly across swathes of Africa […]

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  • 17/02/2017

    Letter of Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu to the members of the Order

                                                                        From the Vatican, 15 February 2017 Dear Brothers and Sisters, A few days having passed since my nomination as the Holy Father’s Special Delegate to your Order, I wish to offer each of you my cordial greetings. Above all, I convey to you the blessing of the Pope and the assurance that he has […]

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  • 09/02/2017

    The Lieutenant ad interim and the Grand Chancellor meet Monsignor Becciu

    Conference with the diplomatic corps this morning on government priorities. This morning the Grand Chancellor Albrecht Boeselager with the Grand Hospitaller Dominique de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel met the accredited diplomatic corps in the Magistral Villa in Rome to illustrate government priorities after the recent events involving the Order of Malta. Boeselager gave an outline of the […]

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  • 06/02/2017

    Pope Francis appoints his Special Delegate to the Sovereign Order of Malta

    Welcomed by the Order, Archbishop Becciu will work closely with the Lieutenant a.i The government of the Sovereign Order of Malta welcomes Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu and affirms: ‘We look forward to a fruitful and constructive collaboration.’ As stated in His Holiness’ letter of 2 February 2017, the tasks the Archbishop will undertake ‘everything related […]

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  • 02/02/2017

    Declaration of the Sovereign Order of Malta on government priorities

    The government has restored leadership in line with the Constitution of the Order In a press conference today, the government of the Sovereign Order of Malta has outlined its priorities, following the resignation of Grand Master Fra’ Matthew Festing on Saturday 28 January. The Grand Chancellor Albrecht Boeselager stated: “Together with the Lieutenant ad interim […]

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  • 29/01/2017

    Letter of Fra’ Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein

    Excellencies, dear members of the Order of Malta, dear volunteers, employees, friends and associates, On Saturday afternoon, 28 January 2017, the Sovereign Council accepted the resignation of Fra’ Matthew Festing from the office of Grand Master. We are grateful to Fra’ Matthew in his generous response to the request of the Holy Father to resign […]

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  • 28/01/2017

    The Grand Master Fra’ Matthew Festing resigns from office

    Fra’ Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein assumes the office of Lieutenant ad interim, Albrecht Boeselager resumes his office as Grand Chancellor The Sovereign Council, the government of the Sovereign Order of Malta, met this afternoon in the Magistral Palace in Rome. On the agenda was the resignation from Office of Grand Master presented by Fra’ Matthew […]

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The Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Canadian Association

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