Order of Malta Hunger Patrol

Feeding the Homeless in Toronto
The Hunger Patrol is a weekly Toronto-based program aimed at serving our lords the sick and the poor. Members of the Order and volunteers are involved in the making of homemade soup and its delivery each Saturday evening to the homeless and poor of the city in three separate locations: outside of an established temporary shelter, outside of a centre for native Canadians, and finally inside of a permanent low income housing complex. This homemade soup is distributed to dozens of men and women alongside bread and other assorted pastries donated each week by a neighbourhood bakery in Toronto’s Bloor West Village https://www.breadandrosesbakery.com the home of Hunger Patrol.
In addition to the soup and baked goods, four to eight dozen sandwiches are also distributed, made caringly by two separate groups of adults and teenagers with developmental disability. We also distributed dozens of brand new socks and underwear each week, purchased in bulk, in addition to donated pants, sweaters, hats, gloves, and jackets and anything that might be of use to this most deserving group of people in need.
Hunger Patrol itself has been in operation for over 20 years and is the creation of Fr. David Burrows of St. Olave’s Anglican Church. Christian Elia, member of our Order and friend of Fr. Burrows, participated in the project and was able to admire its effectiveness on many levels. Fr. David’s recent retirement along with his deep desire to have this important ministry continue provided the opportunity for the Order of Malta, Canada to effectively pick-up where he left off.
Please click here and donate to support this program.
Please click here if you wish to volunteer with the Sovereign Order of Malta’s Hunger Patrol.