Covid-19 Message from Bishop John A. Boissonneau
Bishop John A. Boissonneau, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, Conventual Chaplain Grand Cross ad honorem, has issued a message about Covid-19.
Bishop John A. Boissonneau, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, Conventual Chaplain Grand Cross ad honorem, has issued a message about Covid-19.
The Chief Chaplain for Canada, His Excellency Raymond Poisson, Bishop of Saint-Jérôme, has issued the following message.
Dear knights, dames & friends of the Order of Malta, As we try to adjust to the new reality of self-isolation and ceaseless sanitization, I have consulted with our medical professionals and especially our Hospitaller, Dr. Bill Sullivan, regarding Canadian Association activities. Our main concern is for the health of members, volunteers and for the […]
His Excellency Roman J. Ciecwierz, President of the Canadian Association, has issued the following message about the cancellation of the International Pilgrimage to Lourdes.
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His Excellency Roman J. Ciecwierz, President of the Canadian Association, has issued the following message about medical assistance in dying.
My dear knights, dames and friends of the Order of Malta, It’s the most wonderful time of year! The second Sunday of Advent provided much needed inspiration as I sat to bring greetings to all of you in celebration of this most beautiful of seasons. The first reading (Isaiah 11) caught my attention, “On that day, a […]
Article on U.S. Thanksgiving activities by the Order of Malta in Los Angeles.
‘Haiti living on edge of disaster‘ by Michael Swan of The Catholic Register
Malteser International, the worldwide relief agency of the Order of Malta, is urgently calling for donations to provide assistance for those affected by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas and is preparing to support emergency relief measure. The United Nations has announced that some 70,000 people were “in immediate need of life-saving assistance” in the country, […]
Cardinal Patronus of the Order, 2009- 2014 The Grand Magistry of the Sovereign Order of Malta learned with great sadness of the death on 13 July in Rome of His Eminence Cardinal Paolo Sardi, Bailiff Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion, after a short illness. As Cardinal Patronus of the Order from June 2009 until […]
According to UNHCR, Colombia is the host country in the Americas most directly impacted by the political and socio-economic situation in Venezuela. Official estimates from Migración Colombia and UNHCR state an influx of 796,000 Venezuelans in 2017. Unofficial numbers suggest that the daily migration has increased substantially in the second semester of 2017 with 6,000-10,000 […]
On the heels of Malteser International becoming an organization in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at the United Nations last month, the 65 year old humanitarian relief and development organization of the Order of Malta (a 900 year old religious lay Order), has taken another major step forward for the […]
We have reached another significant milestone in furthering our humanitarian work to reach even more vulnerable people in their greatest times of need, in the Americas and around the world. We are proud to announce that Malteser International is now an organization in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2018 […]
A medical team of the Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps has just now boarded the Coast Guard ship Dattilo to assist those migrants who will shortly be transferred from the Acquarius vessel. Dr. Maria Rita Agliozzo and nurse Marika Giustiniani will provide healthcare to migrants picked up by the NGO search and rescue ship […]
Email: executivedirector@orderofmaltacanada.org, Telephone: (613) 731-8897