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Fra’ Jean-Michel Furlan new Professed Knight



Jean-Michel Furlan, a 66-year-old Frenchman, took his solemn vows in the Order of Malta on 17 October.

It was Fra’ Emmanuel Rousseau, Grand Commander, who received his vows during the solemn religious ceremony held in Agen, France, in the Cathedral of Saint Caprais.

Among those present were Fra’ Alessandro de Franciscis, Grand Hospitaller, Fra’ Pierre de Bizemont, Grand Prior of Bohemia, Patrick de Kermadec, President of the French Association and the Professed Knights of French nationality.

Member of the Order of Malta since 2012, Fra’ Jean-Michel Furlan as professed knight belongs to the Grand Priory of Bohemia.

To Fra’ Jean-Michel the best wishes and congratulations of the Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap and the entire Order of Malta.

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Canadian Association

Email: executivedirector@orderofmaltacanada.org, Telephone: (613) 731-8897