
  • 20/04/2023

    Election of the Grand Master taking place on 3 May 2023

      The Council Complete of State has been convened for 3 May 2023. It is tasked to elect the next Grand Master, the first after the promulgation of the new Constitutional Charter and Code. The convocation was made by letter – jointly signed by Fra’ John T. Dunlap, Lieutenant of the Grand Master, and by […]

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  • 14/04/2023

    Official visit of the Speaker of the Senate of Canada

      The Speaker of the Senate of Canada, George J. Furey, was received today by the Lieutenant of the Grand Master, Fra’ John Dunlap at the Magistral Palace. The Speaker was welcomed with military honors after paying a visit to the Magistral Villa. This year marks 15 years of official relations between the Sovereign Order […]

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  • 06/04/2023

    Bangladesh refugee camp fire: Malteser International distributes humanitarian aid

      One month after the devastating fire in the Cox Bazar refugee camp in southern Bangladesh, the humanitarian situation is complicated. The fire destroyed about 2,800 huts, leaving 15,000 refugees without shelter. The Order of Malta’s relief agency, Malteser International, active in the area since 2017, took immediate action. The health teams already present were […]

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  • 31/03/2023

    Foreign press delegation meets the Lieutenant of the Grand Master

      A delegation of the foreign press in Rome was received today at the Magistral Villa of the Sovereign Order of Malta. The Lieutenant of the Grand Master, Fra’ John Dunlap, met the journalists from many European countries – such as Germany, France, Austria and Poland – and from the United States. “We live in […]

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  • 27/03/2023

    29th International Hospitaller Conference hosted in London

      How to better help and provide humanitarian assistance to the neediest population – starting from the Ukrainians – and how to improve synergies between the entities that form the Order of Malta – more than 250 – representing at the same time its richness. These are some of the main topics at the heart […]

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  • 15/03/2023

    Focus on Order of Malta’s main commitments at meeting with accredited diplomats

      The war in Ukraine and humanitarian interventions, assistance after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea. Not to mention regular projects such as hospitals, mobile clinics and volunteer corps. These were some of the topics discussed this morning during the meeting between the over fifty Deputy Chiefs of Mission […]

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  • 06/03/2023

    Order of Malta announces donation from The Hilary and Galen Weston Foundation

    Donation will enable the funding of critical psychosocial care for those affected by the war in Ukraine The Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order of Malta, H.E. Fra’ Alessandro de Franciscis, the Order of Malta – Canada and Malteser International are grateful to have received a grant of $1,000,000 from The Hilary and Galen Weston […]

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  • 02/03/2023

    Türkiye / Syria Earthquake Response

    On February 6, 2023, at 4:17 UCT a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the area of Southern Türkiye/Northern Syria, followed by several strong aftershocks. The Malteser International emergency support team has already arrived in Gaziantep to provide assistance. As feared the number of casualties continues to rise dramatically. Malteser International is publishing regular reports about the […]

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  • 22/02/2023

    War in Ukraine: The Order of Malta expands its support programmes

    The Order of Malta is expanding its projects in Ukraine to support the population. Since the beginning of the war one year ago, international and national entities and partners of the Order of Malta have distributed half-a-million hot meals to IDPs, provided 19,000 beds in shelters, as well as generators, trained 13,000 people in first […]

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  • 30/01/2023

    Papal audience with members of the General Chapter

      This morning (January 30, 2023), in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience the participants in the General Chapter of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, to whom he delivered the following address: Dear brothers and sisters! I thank Cardinal Silvano Tomasi for his kind words, and I would like […]

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  • 30/01/2023

    Pope Francis blesses the Order of Malta

    The Lieutenant of the Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap, together with members of the newly elected Sovereign Council and the participants in the Extraordinary Chapter General, were received this morning in audience by His Holiness Pope Francis. Also present were Cardinal Silvano Tomasi, the Pope’s Special Delegate to the Order of Malta and Cardinal Gianfranco […]

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  • 28/01/2023

    The Extraordinary Chapter General elected the Sovereign Council

    The Extraordinary Chapter General, presided over by the Lieutenant of the Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap and Cardinal Silvano Maria Tomasi, Special Delegate of the Pope, elected all the members of the Sovereign Council, who will remain in office for six years. After electing the Grand Commander Fra’ Emmanuel Rousseau, Grand Chancellor Riccardo Paternò di […]

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The Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Canadian Association

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