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  • 08/08/2024

    The Grand Master at the 142nd Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus

      The Grand Master of the Order of Malta Fra’ John Dunlap attended the 142nd Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus, held August 6-8 in Québec City, Canada. The Knights of Columbus welcomed more than 2,500 Knights and their families, members of the Catholic hierarchy and special guests from 10 countries at the Supreme […]

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  • 25/06/2024

    Toronto/South West Ontario Delegation Celebrates Solemnity of St. John the Baptist

      On Monday, June 24, members and friends of the Toronto/South West Ontario Delegation of the Canadian Association gathered to celebrate the feast day of our heavenly patron. His Grace The Most Reverend Francis Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, celebrated Mass in St. John’s Chapel at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica.  The concelebrants at Mass were […]

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  • 12/02/2024

    Mass for the Prelate of the Order of Malta

      The Mass for the start of the ministry of Monsignor Luis Manuel Cuña Ramos, Conventual Chaplain Grand Cross, new Prelate of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta was celebrated on Saturday morning, February 10, in the Basilica of Saints Boniface and Alexis in Rome, marked by a great and warm participation, in spite of […]

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  • 14/04/2023

    Official visit of the Speaker of the Senate of Canada

      The Speaker of the Senate of Canada, George J. Furey, was received today by the Lieutenant of the Grand Master, Fra’ John Dunlap at the Magistral Palace. The Speaker was welcomed with military honors after paying a visit to the Magistral Villa. This year marks 15 years of official relations between the Sovereign Order […]

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  • 06/03/2023

    Order of Malta announces donation from The Hilary and Galen Weston Foundation

    Donation will enable the funding of critical psychosocial care for those affected by the war in Ukraine The Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order of Malta, H.E. Fra’ Alessandro de Franciscis, the Order of Malta – Canada and Malteser International are grateful to have received a grant of $1,000,000 from The Hilary and Galen Weston […]

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  • 17/09/2022

    September 2022 Canadian Investiture

    On Saturday, September 17, 2022, the Canadian Association celebrated an Investiture in St. Patrick’s Basilica, Ottawa.  Two new members were invested as knights of Magistral Grace: Charles Cloutier of Montréal, Québec, and David MacGillivray of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Mass was presided by the Most Reverend Raymond Poisson, Bishop of Saint-Jérôme-Mont-Laurier, Chief Chaplain of the […]

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  • 25/04/2022

    April 2022 Canadian Investiture

    On Monday, April 25, 2022, the Canadian Association celebrated an Investiture in Immaculate Conception Church, Vancouver. Brigid Gillis French was invested as a dame of Magistral Grace. The Mass was presided by the Reverend Frank Landry. The homily was given by the Reverend John G. Horgan, Conventual Chaplain ad honorem. His Excellency Valentine Lovekin, President […]

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  • 19/12/2021

    Fra’ Mathieu Dupont makes solemn vows

      On Sunday, December 19, Fra’ Mathieu Dupont made his solemn vows as a Knight of Justice.  The ceremony took place at the Cathedral Basilica of Notre Dame, in Ottawa.  His Excellency Fra’ John T. Dunlap, Member of Sovereign Council, acted as Delegate for Fra’ Marco Luzzago, Lieutenant of the Grand Master. Mass was presided […]

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  • 15/06/2020

    Message from the Canadian President, June 2020

    Dear Members and Friends The other day a friend of mine posted a link to the 1968 Gordon Lightfoot song “Black Day in July”. Of course, music has always been a way that can convey deep emotion, feelings and inspiration. Intriguing as the post was in its subtle comparison of the horrifying events of today […]

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  • 24/05/2020

    Message from Bishop Raymond Poisson, Chief Chaplain

    Dear, knights, dames and friends, On April 10, 2020 the Prelate of the Order, Mons. Jean Laffitte, presented along with his Easter message an act of consecration of the Order to our Blessed Mother.  The Order’s close connection to Our Lady is well known and this consecration reminds us all that she bears Christ in […]

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  • 03/05/2020

    A virtual pilgrimage to Lourdes, May 1, 2020

    Dear Knights, Dames and friends, Due to the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19, we are unable to make our International Pilgrimage to Lourdes. However, masses will be celebrated in different languages throughout the day. The English Mass will be celebrated at 5:00 PM local Lourdes time (11:00 Ontario time). Use this link to connect to the […]

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The Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Canadian Association

Email: executivedirector@orderofmaltacanada.org, Telephone: (613) 731-8897