Message from Bishop Raymond Poisson, Chief Chaplain

Dear, knights, dames and friends,
On April 10, 2020 the Prelate of the Order, Mons. Jean Laffitte, presented along with his Easter message an act of consecration of the Order to our Blessed Mother. The Order’s close connection to Our Lady is well known and this consecration reminds us all that she bears Christ in her heart, and she brings us to bear Christ in our hearts. Entrusting ourselves to Our Lady’s protection is a reaffirmation that the laying of our burdens at her feet is always welcomed. Further, on May 1, the bishops of North American rededicated their respective countries to Our Lady. Mary always points the way to Jesus.
Below, please find a link to a YouTube video created especially for the Canadian Association, knights, dames and friends, by our Chief Chaplain, Bishop Raymond Poisson to allow us to pray with him the consecration prayer to Mary made by Canada and United States. After a short message from Bishop Poisson, done in both French and in English, please pray the rosary.
Our Lady (the Immaculate Conception) of Lourdes Pray for Us.