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  • 07/11/2017

    The Order in Transition

    Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto was this morning elected Lieutenant of the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta. The electing body, the Council Complete of State, met in the Magistral Villa in Rome, one of the Order of Malta’s two institutional seats. The newly elected Lieutenant of the Grand Master […]

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  • 06/09/2017

    Hurricane Harvey: Donations Needed

    A more powerful hurricane than 2005 has devastated Texas Hurricane Harvey struck and severely destroyed the side of Texas Friday night August 25. The winds reached 215 mph on the coast and took away houses, poles and electric signs on their passages. Torrential rains have caused major flooding. Local authorities have already announced the deaths […]

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  • 03/09/2017

    Hurricane Harvey: the Order of Malta at work to bring relief

    Hurricane Harvey made landfall and destroyed coastal Texas causing mass destruction. The Houston area has experienced one of the worst flooding disasters in U.S. history. Federal disaster declarations indicate the storm has so far affected about 6.8 million people. Malteser International Americas and the U.S. Associations of the Order of Malta are coordinating relief efforts […]

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The Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Canadian Association

Email: executivedirector@orderofmaltacanada.org, Telephone: (613) 731-8897