Malteser International starts distributions of food in Gaza
In partnership with German aid organizations, the Order of Malta, with its worldwide Relief Agency Malteser International, is launching emergency aid in Gaza to support people in need. Through a local Egyptian partner organization, Malteser International distributes food packages to families in Gaza. Currently, these are ready-to-eat packages consisting of water, dried fruits, beans and canned beef, feta cheese, molasses packets, and milk. A package costs 15 euros and is designed for about five people per day. People can consume the food directly without cooking. This is especially important as there is often a lack of electricity or similar for preparing meals.
The Malteser International partner organizations conducts daily aid transports across the Egyptian border in Rafah to Gaza. “It is important in this situation to stand together and provide humanitarian aid to people who urgently need it. I am very pleased that, together with other organizations from Germany’s Relief Coalition ‘Aktion Deutschland Hilft,’ we can provide this support to the people in Gaza,” says Thomas Weiß, Head of the Middle East Department at Malteser International.
The escalation of the Middle East conflict also worsens the situation in Lebanon: Out of fear of violence, tens of thousands have already left the border region with Israel and are fleeing towards Beirut and the north.
Photo-credit: Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe